

«Csaver» has salvaged significant quantities of fish for food until now, and has carried out many service jobs. The flexibility is high, and the concept of using mobile tanks on deck has proven to work very well. In some jobs the vessel has carried out stun and bleed operations for a whole week at a fish farm.

– Ole André Leine, general manager of Charvest, to iLaks.no

  • Combined stun & bleed / service vessel 
  • Two large deck cranes. Capacity of main crane: 100 tm
  • Modern mess, dayroom and operational areas with clear view
  • Efficient and high uptime with process room and cargo hold below deck
  • Four cabins 
Main deck crane 100 tm
Cooling tanks 30 m3
Ice production 5000 kg/24 h
Water ballast 50 m3
Tonnage 169 GT
Process area 31 m2

Csaver is a combined stun & bleed and service vessel. Its main function is to assist in the salvage of fish during fish handling operations. It has facilities that make ice from salt water, which results in a fine slurry that is gentle on the fish.

The vessel's mobile tanks for storing the fish provide good flexibility, and collect weak fish on which the fish handling operations have a bigger impact.

The compact and efficient processing room has an area of 31 m2, and a fish pump which is placed low in the vessel reduces stress on the fish due to pumping height.

Csaver has an efficient and high uptime as the processing area and cargo hold are located below deck, making the vessel efficient and profitable.


Photos of Csaver
